The Four Styles of Marriage

Every couple has their own style

This eBook outlines four basic styles of marriage.

Like most everything on this planet, relationships don’t fit neatly into one style. Nor do relationships stay in one style through time – couples can mature and grow just as individuals can. That said, couples tend to relate to one style more than the other three.

  • My Way
  • Horse Trading
  • Mutual Support
  • Partnership

What will you learn?

We’ll give examples of behavior you might notice in each style, and point to the most effective style that can help you grow closer AND achieve your common dream.

  • Descriptions of the 4 marriage styles
  • Real examples of each
  • Scenarios showing how each style operates

When you’re done reading, you will have a clear idea what style you live in most of the time and which one you may want to move towards.

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