weaponizing the enneagram

Weaponizing the Enneagram

By | Step 1: Define Your Thinking

Handle new relational insights with delicate care. Gaining new insights into how we relate with one another is powerful. Good insights can help any relationship. But, for those of us looking to grow more understanding and intimacy with our partners, they are gold. That said, as humans, it’s so easy to weaponizing new insights by…

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Your existing career may soon disappear. Will you be ready for your new one?

By | Step 1: Define Your Thinking, Step 2: Define Your Purpose, Step 3: Define Your Dream | No Comments

With each passing year, the global economy is rapidly changing with many jobs and careers vanishing. But even as our current work opportunities disappear new trends are appearing that offer hope – if we are open to the possibilities. Hey, where did my job go? Like us, you may have experienced that sinking feeling when…

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Your mindset may be holding you back. What roadblocks do you need to push through?

By | Step 1: Define Your Thinking, Step 2: Define Your Purpose, Step 3: Define Your Dream | No Comments

The way you perceive reality (your mindset) could be your biggest hurdle. You may have already read why now – at this very moment is history – is the best time to start an online business together. Many external roadblocks that might have stopped you in the past, have been reduced (or even removed). Unfortunately, it…

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